Creative Writing





Clouds, Shakepeare. Shakespeare, New Mexico. Black and white photograph


Creative Writing

 Our class is structured as a writing workshop.  All authors will post their highlights from the final chapbooks as pages on the wiki.


Section 1: Poetry  

Found poems
Letter poems
Acrostic poems
Recipe poems
List poems   
Confession poems
School poems

                    Final chapbook due


Here are many of the assignments with step-by-step instructions: 


Final Poetry Assignments.ppt 


Section 2: Fiction 


                                Prop stories
             Hands and feet
                                Single sentences
                                Picture writing
                                Delicious descriptions
                                First lines
                                Precise observations
                                Alphabet stories
                                Clichés & Similes
                                Describe a friend
                                Become a scribe
                                Daydream stories
                                Swap characters
                                Build a family
             Newspaper stories
                                Note card narratives
                                Postcard stories
                                Newspaper dialogues
                                Historical fiction
                                Show don’t tell- emotions
            Visualizing music
            Sci-Fi brainstorm
            Dialogue duets
            Eavesdropping stories
                               Fictional Diaries
                               Interview stories
                               Story starters
                               Final chapbook due


Section 3: Film

                       Study format
                       View model short films & critique them
                       Write 7-10 minute screenplays with friends
                       Film festival
                       Final screenplay and writer’s notebook due